Mobile Wallet

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Among the people using crypto, only a very few use mobile wallets, this is due to the fact that most of the mobile wallets are custodial wallets, centralised in certain ways, need regular private key (wallet.dat) backups or the user experience sucks.

Problem With Mobile Wallets

Most blockchain mobile wallets connect directly to proxy servers run by third parties or wallet developers to communicate with the blockchain network. The proxy server acts as a trusted party and is the sole provider of information regarding blockchain state.

Mobile wallets are mostly custodial or they are run through proxy servers and even though the blockchain itself is decentralised, the mobile wallet is not which can lead to problems like the one given below:

Metamask using Infura as the backend and this has resulted in censoring users from certain countries. Click on the link below:

Nexus Mobile Wallet

Decentralize the Decentralization being the motto, every aspect of Nexus is designed to be Peer-to-Peer (P2P). The mobile wallet, runs the same Core used in the desktop, operates as a lite node by connecting directly to several of its peers on the network. This allows the wallet to broadcast transactions directly to the network and detect confirmations by checking for inclusion against block headers. The Nexus network also gains added security by being able to verify block headers provided by multiple peers.

A Next-Gen Mobile Wallet

The Nexus mobile wallet has been designed with decentralization, P2P and mass adoption as the essence. The mobile wallet will put blockchain access in everyone's hand and ease of use will make it the de facto choice. Signature chains make it a hassle free experience for the user, in case the smartphone is lost or damaged, will not permanently lock users crypto portfolio, just download the wallet, log in on the new phone and user has full access to his Nexus assets.