Connect Node to Interface

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This guide will help to access your wallet daemon using a remote wallet interface. For this you will need the IP address of your node and also the interface computer. For the remote computer you can go to settings, network and click on details which will give your computer IP address.

On the computer which will run the interface, go to and download the wallet for your operating system.

Always verify the wallet integrity.

Install and run the wallet. After the wallet loads, immediately go to ‘Settings’, click on ‘Core‘, scroll down to the bottom and enable manual core mode using the slider button.

SSH into the node:

ssh [email protected]

Open the nexus config file:

nano ~/.Nexus/nexus.conf

Arrange the nexus.conf and the interface side by side.

In the config file, enter a unique apiusername and apipassword and the same will be used in the username and password field in the interface tritium core settings, IP address replace the default with the daemon node IP address. Leave the default port and click save settings.

On the interface go to ‘File‘ menu and click on ‘Switch to Legacy Mode‘ and now you will be in the legacy mode, manual core settings.

Use a unique rpcusername and rpcpassword and the same will be used in the username and password field in the interface legacy core settings, IP address replace the default with the node IP address. Leave the default port and click save settings.

In the config file, the 'llpallowIp' IP address should refer to the interface computer.

Use Ctrl-s and Ctrl-x to save and exit the config file.

Change directory to the Nexus executable file:


Start the Nexus wallet daemon.


You should see your wallet interface connected to the daemon and the overview showing the node information. If the interface is not connected you need to stop the wallet and open port 8080 and 9336 on the firewall.

On the node, stop the wallet daemon:

./nexus system/stop

On the ufw firewall allow port 8080 for API:

sudo ufw allow 8080/tcp

Allow port 9336 for RPC:

sudo ufw allow 9336/tcp

Check the ufw firewall status:

sudo ufw status

Next start the daemon


The interface will be connected to the node and the information will appear on the overview page. Now log in and transact normally using the interface.

If staking on the CLI node. Do not log off from the interface, just close the interface.

To exit the SSH or putty terminal use the command. This will close only the SSH or putty terminal and the node will be running which can be confirmed with the interface.


When the CLI node is connected to the interface, do not disable or enable "manual core mode". This will send a shutdown signal to the core. This issue will be rectified with next release.